Subscription & Premium

I bought AirBrush PREMIUM and can’t use the paid features. How can I fix this?

Please restore your purchase by going to the “Settings” menu, then tap on the “Restore Purchase” option. Make sure that you are logged into the same App Store account with which you subscribed to AirBrush Premium and using wifi while restoring your purchase.

If the problem persists, try cleaning your caché, uninstall and reinstall the app, then try to ‘Restore Purchase’ again. Make sure that you are logged into the same App Store account with which you subscribed to AirBrush Premium and using wifi while restoring your purchase.

If you still have issues with this please contact us through the app, go to the main menu, and tap on “contact us” or “send us feedback”.

How do I manage my subscription and request a refund?


Subscription billing is managed directly by appstore, please contact Apple support to receive a refund and follow the next steps:

  1. Go to App Store App on your mobile.
  2. Click on your Apple ID (upper corner).
  3. Select Purchase History.
  4. Find the transaction and tap Report a Problem.
  5. Select Report a Problem to the right of the purchase.
  6. Cautiously select the reason why you are requesting a refund.


Subscription billing is managed directly by Google Play Store. There are two ways you can request a refund:

  1. If it has been less than 48 hours since you were charged, you can request a refund directly from Google by following the instructions found here.
  2. If it has been more than 48 hours since you were charged and less than 9 days of the transaction date, please follow the next steps:
  • Get Google Play order number (ex: GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567). You can find this number in your Google Play account here.
  • Send us an email to [email protected] with the Subject “Refund”, include your GooglePlay Number and the email with which you made the purchase. Note: Refund requests may only be accepted if requested within 9 days of the transaction date.

I bought premium features before AirBrush Premium was released – will these features still work?

You can continue to use your purchased features by restoring your purchase. Sign in to the App Store account from which you made the purchase and in the AirBrush app, find the “Restore Purchase” option in the settings menu to restore.

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